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English-Hindi > aquatic weed

aquatic weed meaning in Hindi

aquatic weed sentence in Hindi

aquatic    जलजन्तु पानी का
weed    चरस तम्बाकू
1.The tangled masses of the aquatic weed strangle docks and clog waterworks.

2.The lake also had nuisance aquatic weed growth that has required chemical treatment.

3.He blames the district, which sprays herbicides on water hyacinths and other aquatic weeds.

4.Western carp gudgeons spawn in summer, attaching eggs to aquatic weed in the shallows.

5._$ 300, 000 to remove aquatic weeds in the Lavaca and Navidad Rivers in Texas.

6.It also feeds upon " Salvinia minima ", a similar but less dramatic aquatic weed.

7.He complains he lacks emergency funding to eradicate the aquatic weed while the outbreak is small.

8.Dense beds of millfoil, elodea and other aquatic weeds could be seen just under the surface.

9.Also, there is no " Cabomba ", an aquatic weed genus that can affect water quality.

10.Mechanical management can include the use of a long-reach lake rake or aquatic weed razor blade tool.

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How to say aquatic weed in Hindi and what is the meaning of aquatic weed in Hindi? aquatic weed Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.